UCR Chorale
The UCR Chorale (MUS 162) welcomes singers of all levels of vocal experience. No pre-audition is required. (We'll have a simple, low-key meeting during the first week of classes to determine pitch range and listen to you a bit; you don't need to prepare anything for it.) Bringing together students, faculty, staff, and community members, Chorale doesn’t require music reading (although you’ll learn some reading with us). Singers will explore and perform music from many traditions within America and around the world, including varieties of sacred music, folk, pop, classical, and musical theater.
The UCR Chorale rehearses on Tues/Thurs, 11:00-12:20 in ARTS 157. We welcome new members at the beginning of each quarter. Audition is not required prior to enrolling in the class. Chorale may be taken for 1 or 2 credits, and the course may be repeated.
Please see the information here: bit.ly/UCRChoirsInfo
And please fill out our Interest Form here: bit.ly/UCRChoirsInterestForm2024-25
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Ruth Charloff
Office: ARTS 164
Phone: (951) 827-5412
Email: ruth.charloff@ucr.edu