The department’s facilities include practice rooms equipped with Yamaha pianos, a Performance Lab, a Chamber Music Studio, and a large lecture/rehearsal hall, as well as smaller classrooms and a computer lab. The department owns a large collection of early- music instruments, including a large number of keyboard instruments, as well as instruments for use in the traditional chamber, orchestral, and wind ensembles. The department also owns the instruments for several Asian ensembles, i.e., Javanese gamelan, Japanese taiko, Philippine rondalla, North Indiana tabla, and Korean drums, as well as for two Latin American ensembles, Andean and Mexican folkloric. The Experimental Acoustic Research Studio (EARS) supports the composition of electronic music and is housed at a location near campus. The department is home to the Center for Iberian and Latin American Music, which sponsors concerts and lectures in addition to maintaining a website and scholarly journal.
The Libary
The UCR library holds strong music-research collections located in three facilities. Approximately 35,000 books about music may be found in the Rivera Library, along with journal back-files and microforms. The Music Library, located in room 054 Arts Building (lower level), provides listening equipment, computers, and houses collections of some 10,000 LPs, more than 7,000 CDs, an authoritative collection of reference works, and over 35,000 music scores. A growing collection of music DVDs is also available in the Music Library. Special Collections, on the 4th floor of the Rivera Library, holds numerous 18th- and 19th-century scores of major German and Austrian composers, as well as the Oswald Jonas and Joaquin Nin-Culmell archives. Located in the CHASS Interdisciplinary Building, the Multimedia Library houses the UCR Libraries’ collection of media. The collection includes videotapes (VHS), DVDs, Blu-Ray, laserdiscs, CD-ROMS, 16mm motion pictures, and playback equipment. Online access to these collections is provided through the UCR Library’s local online catalog, SCOTTY, and MELVYL, the UC system libraries’ online catalog. The UCR library homepage provides access to SCOTTY and MELVYL, as well as links to a wide variety of electronic resources.
The Center for Iberian and Latin American Music (CILAM)
The Center for Iberian and Latin American Music (CILAM) was established at the University of California, Riverside, in 2004 to foster research and performance in an interdisciplinary spirit, embracing the entire musical heritage of Iberia and Latin America. The Center's activities include maintaining this website, an online scholarly journal, Diagonal, and organizing Encuentros/Encounters, annual celebrations of the Iberian and Latin American musical heritage presenting original research and high-quality performance in a particular area of interest. Previous Encounters have dealt with music in the time of Goya as well as Goya's impact on the music of Granados (2005), and music and politics in the Andes (2006). Forthcoming Encounters will focus on Mexican on the trans-border impact of various sones (2007), music of the Philippines in celebration of 110 years of independence (2008), contemporary music in Brazil (2009), and Spanish music during the Franco dictatorship (2010). Later Encounters will explore the music of colonial Mexico and the California missions, tango, and flamenco.
Walter A. Clark, director
Professor of Musicology
University of California, Riverside
ARTS 145
(951) 827-2114
The Philip Brett Memorial Peace Garden
On October 17, 2008, the Music Department at the University of California, Riverside, held a dedication ceremony for the Philip Brett Memorial Peace Garden. Brett was instrumental in moving the Music Department into the ARTS building and it is fitting that his memorial garden is also located there.
Philip was an artist who loved gardening, and the Philip Brett Memorial Peace Garden, in the style of a traditional Japanese dry garden and designed by internationally renowned landscape architect Dr. Takeo Uesugi, is a place that he would himself have loved. Here, his legacy is honored, and the garden serves as a living testimony to his accomplishments and his exemplary service to music, musicology, and the University of California. It would honor him greatly to know that the garden serves as an inspiration to others to uphold his standard of aesthetic and intellectual service and contribution.