Chamber Singers
The UCR Chamber Singers is a mixed chorus of about 30 members. Our lively programs explore a cappella and accompanied music spanning six centuries and many styles. Background in music reading is required.
We draw both from the canon and from far off the beaten path. In recent programs we’ve explored music from Arabic, Chinese, Latin American, Baltic, Yiddish and Ladino cultures, African-American civil rights songs, spirituals, and new compositions, and other composers as wide-ranging as Bartók, Schütz, Diemer, Debussy, Barnwell, Pärt, Tormis, Holst, Whitacre, Paulus, Copland, Mozart, Handel, Piazzolla, Bach, Runestad, Gjeilo, Matthew Harris, Hildegard of Bingen, and many more–as well as jazz and pop songs, madrigals, shape-note songs, carols, and various hymnody traditions. Our special annual Valentine's concert showcases our talented singers individually in Broadway and pop styles and more.
We have collaborated with the orchestra for larger works such as the Mozart, Fauré and Cherubini Requiems, masses by Haydn, Stravinsky and Schubert, Vaughan Williams’s Dona Nobis Pacem, Vivaldi’s Gloria, and Harrison’s La Koro Sutro.
Chamber Singers is MUS 163 and rehearses from 12:30-1:50 on Tuesday and Thursday. We include students from any major, as well as faculty, staff, and community members. We welcome new members in Fall and Winter quarters, and sometimes in Spring. Please contact Dr. Charloff for more detailed information.
Chamber Singers may be taken for 1 or 2 credits, and the course may be repeated.
Please see audition information here: bit.ly/UCRChoirsInfo
And fill out our Interest Form here: bit.ly/UCRChoirsInterestForm2024-25
For more information, contact:
Dr. Ruth Charloff
Office: ARTS 164
Phone: (951) 827-5412
Email: ruth.charloff@ucr.edu